‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

#76 - halfway to freedom

and sing me a love song again
say the words that heal my heart
sing me Your love song and then
let Your words remind me who i am

christian songs are so wonderfully meaningful...everytime i listen i feel like i should convert over.. ><
and now i wish time would stop flying away from me so easily. i have so little time to relax on weekdays :( damn you, immense homework load. damn you. *rages*
[the next part is going to be train related...again, so sorry in adv,]
train was delayed by 38 mins today <_< apparently some guy at petersham decided to "self harm" himself and cut the power or something >.>
and .. i just realized i haven't posted anything sweet, which is rather ..=| since my name is supposed to be sweet. hmm, maybe this pic?? :D CUTENESS OVERLOAD MUCH?! IT'S HOLDING ITS PAW OUT TO ME, AWWWWW >O<

and something really beautiful, amazing photomanipulation *O*

now wasn't that sweet and totally not a grumpy post! (:
and now i think i'm going to post up random dA pics in all my posts :D

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