‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Monday, March 7, 2011

#74 - monday ==

so today i did the first assessment of the year - bio skills exam.
everything was going well and i was making good speed until killen decides to tell us ten minutes before it's over that she's given us too much time and we actually have 5 minutes left. WTFFF. so i screwed up the last question worth 20% of the test thanks to that crazy rush of bs-ing in the last moments.
and weather is horrible. it's 15 degrees in the morning so it makes you wear a jumper and extra clothing but as soon as it hits 9am, bam. you end up boiling all over ==
and today it seems like i had double maths and double bio so -
i will just emphasise on something: mondays suck.

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