‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Sunday, September 8, 2013

#462 - W is for weddings

- Blogging because I'm procrastinating and don't want to do work. So bad but so good. My guilty pleasure.
- Second time attending a family friend's wedding reception. The colour scheme was Tiffany blue - gorgeous. The bride and groom were super cute together. The groom played 'A thousand years' on sax, awww. Traditional and western dresses. Mostly Canto people there. Endless refills of orange juice. Weddings are so nice because they make you believe that romance is still alive. It's like when you see old couples together and they're still so much in love. Reminds me of a really good chengyu I've come across: "執子之手,與子偕老" - I hold your hand and we'll grow old together. This saying kicks ass, this is what should happen when you make a vow to be together until death when you get married, not shit like divorcing, cheating, breakdown etc. Otherwise don't throw a frivolous costly affair and make promises that won't be kept.
- Cantonese people are so superstitious, à la my dear old ma who's a firm believer in old wives' tales. I'm attending another wedding reception in two weeks and that bride and her family didn't go to yesterday's reception even though they're fairly close family friends because it's considered to be 'unlucky'. Meanwhile according to dad, Shanghainese people are pretty laid back and don't have these wedding customs.
- Rudd's concession speech was so gracious. Aww I'll always have a soft spot for him. Pretty much my whole electorate was voting ALP. It's just a pity that the ALP was plagued with disunity and coup d'etats that undermined the party's image. So Liberal's back in power and we get Abbott - I guess we should just see if he delivers on his promises.
- I forgot to mention last week I was doing serious shit like contemplating how the next five years was going to pan out just for the heck of it. And well it looks like I'll have space to do Japanese for all of next year, I believe (: I'll love to achieve a high degree of fluency which means finishing three years but it really depends on well I can handle everything, especially in third year - that's gonna be rather difficult. I gotta get my act together.
- Break in ... six days. I'll probably be working most of the time but it's good to not be stressed with academic stuff. Cannot wait till this week is over and so many things are over and done with.
Now I'll just leave with pics of the wedding and yep, excuse the shitty iphone quality yet again which doesn't do justice to the absolutely stunning set up of everything:

Just sitting here looking pretty.

I need one of these cute little things that are always filled with Almond Roca (such an  Asian thing) at my wedding if I ever had one.

My mum is adorable.


Don't blame us for taking the flowers - they said we could and we're Asian, so why not LOLLL

Fun days

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