‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Saturday, May 4, 2013

#413- A would be happy post

Title explains it all, I was first happy to begin with when I was thinking of writing this post up but then Cityfail ruined it all, so now I'm sad but I am going to add to my 10 000 word essay so I thoroughly encourage you all to share your Cityfail stories because I sure do.

Story is, there was trackwork today. I'm not all that surprised however it would nice if Cityfail had the decency to let me know of it during the week instead of when I boarded the train. Announcement: this is a Glenfield service, change at Parramatta for buses connecting to Strathfield (WTF?)

Fortunately I'm scarred and paranoid when it comes to public transport and my punctual mentality so I caught the train that gets me to work 30min early. I'm so glad that I did because otherwise I would've been late. So I caught the express bus from Parramatta to Strathfield and I had time to grab a green tea latte from My Sweet Memory and I swear the person ignored my request for only 1 sugar because she gave me diabetes. There was no troubles on the way to Burwood but the way back was a different story, I had to take a train to Strathfield to change for a connecting express bus back to Parramatta. Except, the bus driver was an Asian woman, I don't mean to stereotype here but she is precisely the stereotype that we all envisage (no joke). She literally did a circle around the suburban streets of Strathfield just to do a 'U turn', the only thing I got out of it was new intel on houses that are on the market. Basically, the word express implies that the driver will take the fastest and shortest route right, well this bitch was far from it and by that I mean taking 30minutes just to get from Straithfield to Homebush which are neighbouring suburbs before semi following the train line and randomly making a  pitt stop at Lidcombe which completely defeats the purpose of an express bus. I seriously felt like integrating the bitch and asking her if she even knew the directions and that it we were supposed to head to P-A-R-R-A-M-A-T-TA and not C-A-B-RA-M-A-T-T-A. Okay I kinda being a little slack here but it was so frustrating I'm pretty sure you would have experienced something along those lines as well especially if the friggen woman takes away 1 hr extra of your time than was necessary. Oh Cityfail advises you to budget for an extra 30min yeah will try 1 hr, not cool! Yeah and to add insult to injury, she took al these congested suburban roads like those in Homebush, I mean hello did you not realise that it was lunchtime so everyone congregates in the town centre NOOB and I also had fish and prawns with me at the time, following up the request of my mother to buy some groceries so I wanted to get home ASAP. All in all, you know I hate Cityfail and I will gladly rant about them on any occasion that presents itself and today was no exception.

~ end of rant

Now moving on to why I was happy
First I went to UNSW and it was so good to see everyone. I should have captured that movie moment with Mv Rules when I surprised her from behind whilst subtly talking on the phone with her casually. Good catch up sesh with bro and Elisa especially with her advice on how to survive a mosh pit. I'm scared guys and you should be worried for my safety- who knows how crazy some hardcore k-pop fans can be. Should I bring my DSLR guys or should I leave that at home where it will definitely be safe from the dangers of a mosh pit.

Also shout out to my bro, Better, Batter, and everyone else doing Relay for Life tonight, I don't think you guys will be on blogger but you'll read this eventually right.

Guess what arrived in the mail today guys? The shipping was actually really fast....an expensive TT but that's DHL for you
 An almost 2 hour phone catch up convo with Sweet and me taking a photo to flaunt my new shirt to Elisa. I got her a matching pair (: I think I might wear this shirt to Uni on Monday like a cool kid!
 Nole scarf <3
And of course the best mug in the world

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