‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Monday, May 14, 2012

#266 - Monotonous from left to right



Pegasus and baby Hercs! *SQUEALS* SO CUTEEEEE and AWWW-worthy. (totes not sounding like a pedo atm)  Fat/pudgy babies are adorable. Look at Hercs for example ^__^ Oh and I highly highly recommend Disney's Hercules - it was a 10/10 for me. Loved Meg's song as well <3
Yesterday I went to the city with R in the name of doing work, and guess who I saw. The Orlando Bloom lookalike violinist from Set Sail!  heheheh. oh yes it was Mother's Day yesterday - S & I gave her a yoga kit which I think she liked :D
and I hope I'll have confidence tomorrow. It's too difficult to decide between Yellow Submarine or I'll make a man out of you. Here I have decided that (the majority of) teachers are wonderful and so underappreciated; it's so difficult to teach and try to make learning fun. 


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