‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Saturday, March 31, 2012

#250 - I prefer a life without philosophy/rant

How I do detest you so - you make me go crazy because I can't make sense of you at all. Only two more hours to bear with you, and yayyy never again will I have to suffer :-) Thus, my newly adopted attitude for Monday:
Only three crappy days until I am freeeeeeee!

Feel sick of all that endless studying? ENJOY. An hour well spent.   This is

Humanity sucks sometimes. I hate people who talk to me for the sole purpose of using me. Please kindly fuck off. It's a shame there are so many people I know who are exactly like that. Anyway this guy asked me for all my notes, offering to share his notes too. I was like: "alright": it seems pretty fair, right? I put lots of effort into making good notes and spend quite a fair bit of time on it. So I sent my notes. He sends me his "notes"- a mere copy and paste. It's like: dude, how are you going to learn off this 100 page document?  I was pretty disgruntled about his "notes"and didn't even bother using it.

The day before the exam, he freaking texted me every hour or so about the exam and I told him his notes are "unnecessary". Then he has the nerve to ask me if I can send him my final notes. I just invented some bs about how my summarising was going badly, and he thankfully went to sleep and stopped bothering me. Then we do the exam, and we get it back, and he goes: I'm going to complain about my mark. I mean we talked about the same thing and all but you still did better than me. I was like just thinking: You deserved what you got, you didn't spend enough time really understanding the topic and that's why you got  a lower mark, because you didn't incorporate your knowledge. ADDED TO THE FACT YOU DID NOT DO ANY OF THE WORK YOURSELF, SO DON'T FUCKING COMPLAIN WHEN YOU DEFINITELY DESERVED TO GET A POOR MARK. 

On the exterior, I have a cheerful "derpy" façade, but  you don't know me if you really think I'm that, because I am not - I'm like this cynical lump. And so such people think they use me because they think I am truly cheerful and happy to help out. Today he texted me at bloody 1am and asked me if I finished making summaries. I was awake at that time, but decided to not answer. Then I texted him this morning and said Nope. Obviously I've made notes and am still in the process of making notes, but never again am I going to be a naïve fool and help out. Once bitten, twice shy. I learnt my lesson. You don't put in the effort, and expect others to help you freely and expect good results? Wake up. I may sound selfish and mean, but I hate being used like this. If it's friends, it's alright - but to people who only bother holding a conversation with me to get something - no. Help yourself.

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