‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Saturday, July 2, 2011

#149- Sorrow Cake + JB-Hi5's birthday bash

heyy guys,
well it's time for me to buy a sorrow cake which shall be titled 'HAPPY SORROW CAKE =) DW its only 20%' so jordon and arjuna lets enjoy this cake and learn from our mistakes so we can conquer 3U maths!

anyhow after enduring a 2hour yr12 trial test at tutoring, it was off to JB-HI5's house so we could celebrate her sweet 16th- Happy belated Bday and enjoy ISS. overall, it was a very fun and enjoyable game/night/party. so basically i made a pack with my 'bros'or otherwise known as the 'Shady Crew' - bad decision.
by making an alliance we thought we could ace the mystery together; the 'crew' aka me,  nancy, joanna jude and sangavi decided on the cardinal as the murder, but nancy was the murderer >>  she was so deceiving - sadface. oh wells, fun fun fun experience, i even managed to deceive people into believing that i was the murderer - hehehe im such a troll =D

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