‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

#115- Music is for the heart of our soul

the video below is an ad for docomo's touchwood phone but as much as i love docomo (if you know me well the you'll know my obsession over jap phones^^) this ad is so cool. i found it on my friend's blog and because its so amazing i shall share it with all of you =D btw this ad was created by using an insane quantity of wooden pieces to build a long downhill track/Xylophone that was able to reproduce Bach’s Cantata 147, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.
oh another note went yum cha at stra i was disappointed with the many dishes that we ordered ):

 okay now to begin rant on the royal wedding. i only have one word to describe it: OVERRATED! in this modern day and age who could possibly care about two people that we are quite possibly, never going to meet... EVER. their wedding will of course be extravagant but what does that equal, big waste of money- hello aren't we in a GFC aka global food crisis. oh and there's those tacky and quite honestly horrid memorabilia that some loving citizens insist on buying and in large amounts as well (couldn't they of spent their hard earned money on something more useful?).

to top it all off theres news crews from around the world doing all these live coverages but who could be bothered to sit through such a boring event (although i just want to see what the cake looks like =D other than that i couldn't care less) why don't they report on something important other than this mediocre event. hey news crews did you know that there was an earthquake in japan yesterday [thanks for telling me sweet (: ].... guess not! because you're too busy creating all this hype about the royal wedding. ~end of rant 


  1. GODLY!!!!
    on the other hand, do you know japan just had another earthquake like half an hour ago!! :( ayaha just told me :( :(

  2. o.O WHAT! thats so sad it makes me really question if the world will really end in 2012- nahhh thats make-believe but still wow T.T where is ayaha now?

  3. :( :( sigh hopefully not!
    ayaha's back at school in japan, she lives near tokyo, and radiation is like MEEP :(
    but her dad allowed her to get iphone4 which is like AH-MAZING, b/c he is super strict ^^ AND SHE MADE FB TOO! and you should make fb too, instead of using cedric's! btw, nice untagging ;) looking hot muahahaha

  4. as for fb you know my response =D and how did you know about the untagging thing~ shifty >> you massive stalker <333
