‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

#61- Success! and Relief

well in the holidays i've been losing alot of sleep all because of a god damn stupid cockatoo that my neighbours bought. i wouldnt mind it if it wasnt for the fact that its outside, squawks like every 10 minutes and is literally 3m away from my window. but the good news is that a few days ago i noticed that the cage was empty I IS SO HAPPY~lah
i think writing in capitals has ruined my grammar and punctuation so i shall not do that again ... for a while =D onto the relief part of my post---> sigh its finally over the first and last assessment task for the term (: but that just means that term 2 will kill us all ): but but but i wouldn't have been able to survive the past week without V. you are amazing and i'm so glad i can depend on you so THANK YOU!

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