‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Friday, February 11, 2011

#53- Swimming Carnival + fake val day

so i havent posted for a while, i is sorry~lahh but i have an excuse IM TIRED T^T.... yeah i've been saying that alot lately but its true. so whilst some of you kiddies were off enjoying yourself at camp i was stuck at school. i had planned on taking the day off yesterday if it wasnt for the fact that im a peer support leader so its my supposed responsibility to lead the year 7s to the venue- i is sad because there was literally nothing to do and i wanted to sleep! anyhow today my school celebrated val day because the yr12s have camp on monday and also because volleyball is on monday as well. due to micellaneous reasons chocolates replace roses [i is fat now ):]
note photo is incredibly bad because i cbb to make it look pretty so yeah, hopefully there'll be more love at school on monday cos everyone was so out of it except for the src.

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