‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Thursday, February 26, 2015

#541 - Through the Looking-Glass

For the first time in my life, I finally looked through the looking-glass. But it was really more like I saw a quick glimpse but even then I've realised how naive I have been. I felt really troubled by things and things just did not make sense. I couldn't connect the dots until I talked it out with my very dear resident psychologist, my sister, who is the most insightful person I know. Of course what we have could just be a conspiracy theory but it's too perfect, everything makes perfect sense. Nothing was forced. All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

I'm so sorry that I have never seen you for you. You are not the person I thought you were and it only took three hours for me to see reason and see you in the light you deserved to be seen in. I have thought of you with someone else's words and thoughts instilled into me. Maybe things would have turned out a lot differently if my view wasn't so coloured. My reasons were all so very irrational and they weren't even things I had thought of myself. But when people people continuously drill into me the same thoughts over and over again, I am bound to remember it so even my subconscious will agree. I think of everything in other people's words. Heck, even the way I described myself were things that people had described me by and I had to get that pointed out to me. I didn't realise being treated in a different way was a natural progression. Why couldn't I have seen that all along? I'm so foolish. I'm afraid that I'm already too far in the deep end though. But I truly see you with new eyes now and I am determined to start afresh and make an effort because you have always been wonderful to me, treated me whole-heartedly and showed me.

If I were a pawn in a chess game before, I'm not going to be that anymore. It's scary that you're not dissimilar from a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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