‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Thursday, December 4, 2014

#534 - Aaaand it's already December

1. At this point in time, I don't think there's anything else I could ask for except getting a place when I'm over there. Urgh *accommodation problems*
2. I fulfilled one of my ambitions. Shocking, right? Can't believe it actually happened. Even though I still feel like hiding in my shell for a little longer, I gotta venture out and explore. And I'm really happy with the way things turned out. This is just the first step.
3. The most chilled out genre that I can actually study to/play on repeat: progressive house. Wish I listened to deadmau5 earlier. Here, here, here. You're welcome.
4. Fate, destiny or what? How can I describe the encounter between AU and Ba? It was like we knew each other in our last lifetime although we had only just met. They were so happy to open their doors to me. Despite my initial reluctance and distrust, I quickly warmed up to them. She gives off such warmth; I can only feel that they're good people and thank god it all went well because I'll probably end up needing their assistance.
5. So very thankful for the many awesome people around me who are constantly shaping the way I change, understand me and show me so much sincerity. You're all wonderful. 

Halloween/surprise birthday

Spotted: chill old lady casually doing a pull-up on the train

After successfully finishing the final oral presentation of 2014!

Talking until our throats were parched at Star Bar :')

Le hubz


Pappa Rich. SO GOOD. (And not spicy!)

The cool kids

Chillest house party out

Love these girls :)

Silly pose 1: Pretending to be cats(???)

Silly pose 2: Idek what we were doing. LOL
Pre-Mockingjay (PS. t'was pretty good)

This is what happens when etude house does a free shipping event. -haulALLthesheetmasks-

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