‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Friday, November 22, 2013

#479- Cityfail at it again

You guys have probably heard of what went down last night to cap one horrible working week for many commuters. In a nutshell, lightning struck one of the control centres in Strathfield taking down the back up as well (ironic that the back up in in the same spot). What does that mean for everyone trying to get anywhere- trains at a stand still and apparently being held captive on the train for 2 hours   is not uncommon. I liken it to traffic lights dying out but that happens often and you can get police officers to guide traffic except when you leave control to the very capable hands of CityRail (cough cough still going to call them that) then you have a big BIG problem especially when we have mediocre infrastructure. It really is worthy of being called second-world because instead of our fares going to fixing up and upgrading existing problems, all the increases are just for pay rises and the reason I presume we have so many track work days this year is to patch up problems for the moment so it's like a bandaid that just covers it up without doing anything. All in all, if you were expecting to catch  train yesterday afternoon, then I can totally relate to you. Fortunately, I escaped the drama by hopping onto a bus to Castle Hill and get off mid-way so I could get picked up. The downside was that I had to pay for my ticket which I would not complain had it not been for the fact that I could supposedly use my train ticket to cover my bare fare. Stupid Cityrail workers told me that that was perfectly acceptable- BIG FAT LIARS. I mean if you're going to announce to everyone that that's alright then do have the courtesy to extend that notice to the bus companies so that I wouldn't snap off at a driver for the shortcomings in your lack of communication.

After having experienced Monday's dilemma on the trains (that was bad) where I had a 45min delay getting home, I made the call yesterday to jump ship and resort to the equally as bad bus system. I'm so glad that I did because the only downside was the city traffic and that's expected so I can't really complain. Finally, to anyone who had to catch the train on Thursday night, my condolences I'd like to think that the fatality at Waverton was not because of the actions of someone with regard for their own safety like those people who decide to climb up on a train carriage for funsies.

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