‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

#454 - Best foot forward

Here's a little excerpt about what happened recently:

- Was kinda coerced by my very lovely manager to go bowling with everyone on Saturday and it was relatively fun  
- My first taste of 'billable hours'. Budgeting seven and half hours in total is the biggest bs ever because I spent thirty hours last week working my butt off in an attempt to get five percent and that's only if I did everything right. Thank goodness that's finished and in the words of my friend, it had the 'worst effort to mark ratio ever' but thank god I enjoy what I'm doing :)
- Pulled an all-nighter yesterday because I was sleeping crazy times to get the aforementioned thing done - thought it was physically impossible to do it but I lasted; it felt so bad for my body though, like it had a taken a drastic toll. NEVER AGAIN (yes, I know, I always say this! BUT really!). My head was woozy all day and I was nodding off in the late afternoon  
- I never thought I would say this but Matt Smith is growing on me. And I think 'Vincent and the Doctor' is my second favourite episode ever after 'The girl in the fireplace' (love love love)
- Today was a lovely day too because it was the first day I had gone to bed early in an entire week and more than sleeping eight hours = happy me. Work was absolutely great too - my friend was working with me and customers were so good today, some chirpy old guy was singing jovially to us as we got his order (:
- Mooting starts on Thursday, fingers crossed we do well!

More smiley faces because I think today is a damn good day (: (:

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