‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Sunday, July 21, 2013

#442 - Suddenly

Saturday: happy birthday to my one and only dearest father!The day I fell in love with Pride & Prejudice.Uni results tied the day together in a nice way :D  
Monday: worked then went to watch DM2 with some of my girls yay :)
Wednesday, Friday: more work - it's getting better and I find it to be an enjoyable albeit tiring learning curve. Also did something that I think I needed to do and it made me feel more like a grown up after doing so.

Today was Aroma Festival and although I've been saying I would finally go this year, it turns out my sis couldn't go because she has an exam tomorrow and I just feel like recuperating at home on days where I'm free..so nope didn't go. Hopefully next year! I feel like I need to 'recharge' my batteries because going out requires money, time and energy... all which I don't feel like spending. I've become a rather frivolous spender this year and I'm thinking of instigating a spending ban or doing monthly budgets. I have to remember that money doesn't just fall from trees.  
Besides that...

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