‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Monday, June 4, 2012

#271- Life-incolour

It seems as though this blog has been on hiatus. anyhow I've finally update this blog and also my other blog its called life-incolour.blogspot.com so read when you're bored (:

I'll tell you a short story about my blog, i was lost for ideas for its title but you can probably tell that from the title. anyway, i didnt want any characters but turns out someone also had that url name so i decided to investigate this person because i was a tad annoyed that i had  my title taken (not really) but it turns out that yes the domain name is taken but the page itself is non-existant and if you can understand all that then congrats!

oh and i received some stuff from my online order but i havent had a chance to take many appealing photos so ill slowly accumulate them
my potential (and most likely formal earrings)
 oh and these earrings come with a matching necklace- all that for under $2 Bargain + free shipping
pearl hairband anyone?

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