‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

#239- Rawr

Just a short post from an unhappy chap who had to wait a very long time for a bus after one bus went straight past me despite the driver making eye contact with me.

As you can probably tell by the heading I feel like Rawr-ing or at least letting out some frustration. I hope my dad will take me to some self defense classes. My next source of frustration is you guessed it, English. I mean the texts aren't too bad, the only problem is having a teacher who isn't the type to go through it all in class and then expects an essay. I wish i had my year 10 teacher, despite all the complaining she was really good and I actually learned with her rather than self study and all.

End of post.

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