‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

#120 - wallowing in sorrow

to do:
- biology is poo - waste of one year
- chemistry is poo as well
- ext maths (f-m-l 3d trig and perms and combs and numbers in general)
- legal studies =[ =[ (too much content!!!)

i am so unlucky. i only know one other person who has four exams this week as well ==
and it's a tad too late now because i've just realised i'm not a science-y person at all. i find bio's content decent and the exams rather detestable. or maybe it's just the fact the science department hands out annoying questions that most people would never expect to turn up in the exam, like a dichotomous key. when did we ever learn this, how is this related to bio and why was it worth three marks! and chem = :( :( :( i just didn't get most of the spontaneous skill-type q's. one had atrocious wording. and i wish i prepared 100x better.
but my dearly beloved entered my life, finally - my one highlight of the week :) i will continue molesting it once everything crappy blows over ;D
and now why am i so terribly lazy and unmotivated without a sense of self control =[

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