‎If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

#17- Horrible Hairdresser

okay so most of us have been to a few dodgey hairdressers. so an advice to all DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES VISIT CORTEX HAIR IN PARRA WESTFIELD, this seemingly pleasant place is filled with unfriendly staff who offer little to no expertise and skill at hairdressing- why this is their profession is beyond disbelief. being a ex-commerce student now T^T we should all know how powerful word-of-mouth is so everyone please spread the word =D as i do not want any of you to suffer the cruel and horrible experience of having a ghastly haircut.
encloses is a picture of that dreadful place - dont be fooled by its nice looks or else....

on a lighter note, sweet did you get another hair cut >>

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